Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
KMS Lost and Found on Display Kulshan Commons/Stage (old) Kulshan Middle School PTSA (old)
Kulshan Middle School Parents (old)
Kulshan Middle School Staff--All (old)
Kulshan Middle School Students (old)
NH: No Early Release Today Northern Heights Elementary School Northern Heights Elementary School Parents (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Staff (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Students (old)
Padgett/McInnis extended learners to Pacific Science Center Fairhaven Middle School Fairhaven Middle School Parents (old)
Fairhaven Middle School Staff (old)
SEH Schedule Periods 1-4 ....... Finals 1st/2nd Sehome High School Sehome High School Staff (old)
Sehome High School Student Body (old)
SQH: Finals Periods 3 and 6 Squalicum High School Squalicum High School Grade 9 (old)
Squalicum High School Grade 10 (old)
Squalicum High School Grade 11 (old)
12:00 am
7:00 am
7:30 am  
7:45 am
NH: Volunteer Breakfast Northern Heights Elementary School Northern Heights Elementary School Parents (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Staff (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Students (old)
8:00 am
HAP - Volunteer Tea Happy Valley Library (old) Happy Valley PTA (old)
Happy Valley Parents (old)
Happy Valley Staff (old)
SMS: Porteous' class-back of stage Shuksan Behind the Stage (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
8:30 am
SMS: Prevention Team meetings Shuksan Large Conference Room (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
8:45 am
HAP - Camp Skeeter - 1st/2nd Graders Happy Valley Classrooms (old)
Happy Valley Cafeteria (old)
Happy Valley Grade 1 (old)
Happy Valley Grade 2 (old)
9:00 am
CS 212: HS Counselor Mtg (9:00 - 10:00) Central Services Conference Room 212 (old) Committee, Leadership (old)
9:20 am
SMS: Shuksan Scholars Assembly-6th grade Shuksan Cafeteria (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
9:30 am
Cor: Intermediate Teacher's Theatre Cordata Elementary School Cordata Elementary School PTA (old)
Cordata Elementary School Parents (old)
Cordata Elementary School Staff (old)
PAR: Kindergarten Fieldtrip - Bagelry/Clark's/Hohl's Downtown Bellingham Parkview Kindergarten (old)
WMS: 6th Gr Greek Olympics Whatcom Middle School Whatcom Middle School Staff (old)
Whatcom Middle School Parents (old)
10:00 am
5th Grade Picnic Lake Padden King Grade 5 (old)
Ms. Kealy & Mr. Hilburn's classes to Boulevard Park Lowell Elementary School Lowell Elementary School Grade 5 (old)
10:07 am
SMS: Shuksan Scholars Assembly-7th grade Shuksan Cafeteria (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
10:30 am  
11:00 am
NH: Preschool Picnic @ Cornwall Park Northern Heights Elementary School Northern Heights Elementary School Parents (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Staff (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Students (old)
11:30 am
CS: BBBS Presentation (12:00-1:00) Central Services Conference Room 212 (old) Department, Superintendent (old)
12:00 pm
CS112: Foundation Board Meeting Central Services Conference Room 112 (old) District Office
Bellingham Public Schools Foundation (old)
CS: 212 Volunteer with BBBS Central Services Conference Room 112 (old) Department, Human Resources (old)
Cs 114: Behavior Team CS Conference Room 114 (old) Department, Student Services (old)
12:30 pm
7th grade field trip to Fairhaven Park Fairhaven Middle School Fairhaven Middle School Parents (old)
Fairhaven Middle School Staff (old)
1:00 pm
CS 212 Read 180 Transition Planning-School Level Changes Central Services Conference Room 212 (old) Department, Title I/LAP (old)
1:15 pm
PAR: Talent Show! Parkview Gym (old) Parkview Students (old)
Parkview Elementary School Parents (old)
Parkview Elementary School Staff (old)
1:30 pm
LO: Mrs. Tjomsland/Mrs. Childs' Fun with Friends Geneva Gym (old) Lowell Elementary School Grade 2 (old)
1:45 pm
NH: End of Year Assembly Northern Heights Elementary School Northern Heights Elementary School Parents (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Staff (old)
Northern Heights Elementary School Students (old)
2:00 pm  
2:15 pm
SMS: Shuksan Scholars Assembly-8th grade Shuksan Cafeteria (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
2:30 pm  
3:00 pm
BHS: Girls' Basketball Practice Bellingham High Gym (old) Bellingham High School Basketball Girls (old)
SB: 3:00 Dismissal Silver Beach Elementary School Silver Beach Elementary School Parents (old)
Silver Beach Elementary School Staff (old)
3:30 pm  
3:45 pm
SMS: Garden Club Meeting/6th commons Shuksan 6th grade Commons (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
BHS: Boys' Basketball Practice Bellingham High Gym (old) Bellingham High School Basketball Boys (old)
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Committee Chair Meeting Wade King Elementary School King Parents (old)
7:00 pm  
7:30 pm
BHS: Volleyball Practice Bellingham High Gym (old) Bellingham High School Volleyball (old)
8:00 pm
11:30 pm