Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
B DAY Whatcom Middle School Whatcom Middle School Staff (old)
SEH C Day Schedule 1-6 Sehome High School Sehome High School Staff (old)
Sehome High School Student Body (old)
SQH: 2nd Semester Begins Squalicum High School Squalicum High School Student Body (old)
SQH: 6-Period Day Squalicum High School Squalicum High School Student Body (old)
START OF SECOND SEMESTER Whatcom Middle School Whatcom Middle School Staff (old)
Whatcom Middle School Parents (old)
12:00 am
7:00 am
7:30 am  
7:45 am
SMS: a.m. BB practice/kirkman Shuksan Gym (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
SEH Peer Mentor Matches Sehome High School Cafeteria (old) Sehome High School Staff (old)
Sehome High School Student Body (old)
10:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
COr: After School club - Math Champions! Cordata Elementary School Cordata Elementary School Grade 4 (old)
Cordata Elementary School Grade 5 (old)
12:30 pm  
1:00 pm  
1:10 pm
Bobcat Assembly Cordata Elementary School
Cordata Cafeteria (old)
Cordata Elementary School
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
BHS: Girls' Basketball Practice Bellingham High Gym (old) Bellingham High School Basketball Girls (old)
SEH Student Learning Center Sehome High School Library (old) Sehome High School Staff (old)
Sehome High School Student Body (old)
SQH: United Diversity Club in Room B105 2:30 -3:30 Squalicum High School Squalicum High School United Diversity (old)
3:00 pm
COZ - PTA Sponsored Choir Carl Cozier Elementary School Carl Cozier Staff--All (old)
Carl Cozier Parents (old)
HAP - Choir Happy Valley Portable B--Music Portable (old) Happy Valley Grade 3 (old)
Happy Valley Grade 4 (old)
Happy Valley Grade 5 (old)
HAP - Lego Robotics - Happy Valley Classrooms (old) Happy Valley Grade 1 (old)
Happy Valley Grade 2 (old)
Happy Valley Grade 3 (old)
Happy Valley Grade 4 (old)
Happy Valley Kindergarten (old)
LAR: Math Club Family Partnership Program Larrabee Elementary School Grade 4 (old)
Larrabee Elementary School Grade 5 (old)
SIL: Girl Scouts Silver Beach Annex C (old) Silver Beach Elementary School Girl Scouts (old)
3:05 pm
COR: After school club - Sport Stacking Cordata Elementary School Cordata Elementary Kindergarten (old)
Cordata Elementary School Grade 1 (old)
Cordata Elementary School Grade 2 (old)
Cordata Elementary School Grade 3 (old)
Cordata Elementary School Grade 4 (old)
Cordata Elementary School Grade 5 (old)
Roosevelt Chess Club Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Parents (old)
3:30 pm  
4:00 pm
Outlook Calendar Training Central Services District Computer Lab (old) Department, Computer Services (old)
4:30 pm  
5:00 pm
BHS: Boys' Basketball Practice Bellingham High Gym (old) Bellingham High School Basketball Boys (old)
HAP - Boys/Girls Club Basketball Practice Happy Valley Gym (old) Happy Valley Boys & Girls Club Basketball (old)
SIL: Boys&Girls Club Basketball Silver Beach Big Gym (old) Silver Beach Elementary School Parks & Rec Basketball (old)
5:30 pm
SIL: Girl Scouts Silver Beach Annex Gym (old) Silver Beach Elementary School Girl Scouts (old)
SMS: Adult VB/gym/Parks & Rec Shuksan Gym (old) Shuksan Middle School Staff (old)
6:00 pm
COR: Parks and Rec Basketball Cordata Elementary School Cordata Elementary School
Bellingham Parks & Recreation (old)
6:30 pm
LO: Winter Concert Lowell Elementary School Lowell All School (old)
WRC Family Literacy Night MLK 6:30-7:30 Alderwood Elementary School Alderwood Families (old)
7:00 pm
COR: Boys & Girls Club Basketball Cordata Elementary School Cordata Elementary School
Park and Rec (old)
7:30 pm
11:30 pm