Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
Balance Bikes in Gym Alderwood School Event
Parkview School Event
Alderwood Elementary School
Parkview Elementary School
Gymnastics Equipment in Gym Geneva Gym
Roosevelt Gym
Silver Beach Annex Gym
Wade King Gym
Geneva Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Silver Beach Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
Skating Unit in Gym- no facility usage Happy Valley Gym Happy Valley Elementary School
WMS - Gym #2 Unavailable Whatcom Gym 2 Whatcom Middle School
12:00 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
CS: BR HS Level Meeting District Office Board Room District Office
DO 112 Migrant Recruiter Phone Calls District Office Conference Room 112 District Office
DO 212: Re-entry meetings - DNP District Office Conference Room 212 District Office
KMS ASB Meeting Kulshan Library Kulshan Middle School
WMS 6th Grade Basketball Club Whatcom Gym 1
Whatcom Gym 2
Whatcom Middle School
8:15 am
Social Action Club rm 217 Shuksan Classroom Shuksan Middle School
WMS TSA Club Whatcom Classroom Whatcom Middle School
8:30 am  
9:00 am  
9:15 am
SIL: Mobile Dental Clinic Silver Beach Office Silver Beach Elementary School
9:30 am
CS Computer Lab Substitute Onboarding District Office Computer Lab District Office
DO 112 - Benefit Enrollment Meetings (DNP) District Office Conference Room 112 District Office
9:45 am
DO 114: CT Class District Office Conference Room 114 Central Services, Special Education
10:00 am
Sophomore Rep Meeting Sehome High School Sehome High School
10:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am  
11:45 am
US Coast Guard Visit Sehome Commons Sehome High School
12:00 pm
Flag Designer Brad Lockart to visit 3rd grades Wade King Elementary School Wade King Elementary School
King - Grade 3
community partners meeting District Office Room 208 Annex District Office
12:30 pm
WMS 6th Grade Anti-Bullying Club Whatcom Main Office Whatcom Middle School
1:00 pm
CS BR: CT Classes District Office Board Room Central Services, Special Education
DO 114 Qualtrics meeting District Office Conference Room 114 District Office
1:30 pm  
2:00 pm
DO rm 114 Grad Tracking for CT District Office Conference Room 114 District Office
2:30 pm
Ceramics Club - Session 1 w/ Mrs. Gabrielson Parkview Classroom Parkview Elementary School
HV Arts enrichment club Happy Valley OT/PT Room Fifth Grade Class - Happy Valley
Fourth Grade Class - Happy Valley
Third Grade Class - Happy Valley
HV Choir Happy Valley Music Room Fifth Grade Class - Happy Valley
Fourth Grade Class - Happy Valley
Third Grade Class - Happy Valley
Happy Valley Elementary School
NH: Cartooning - (Alcove by 2nd Grade) Northern Heights Elementary School Northern Heights Elementary School
Trail Blazers Carl Cozier Offsite Event Carl Cozier Elementary School
YMCA After School Childcare Alderwood Cafeteria
Alderwood Gym
Birchwood Cafeteria
Birchwood Gym
Carl Cozier Cafeteria
Carl Cozier Gym
Columbia Cafeteria/Stage
Columbia North Gym
Cordata Cafeteria
Cordata Gym
Geneva Cafeteria
Geneva Gym
Happy Valley Cafeteria
Happy Valley Gym
Lowell Cafeteria
Lowell Gym
Northern Heights Cafeteria
Northern Heights Gym
Parkview Cafeteria
Roosevelt Cafeteria
Roosevelt Gym
Silver Beach Big Gym
Silver Beach Cafeteria
Sunnyland Cafeteria
Sunnyland Gym
Wade King Cafeteria
Wade King Gym
Parkview Multi-Purpose Room
Alderwood Elementary School
Birchwood Elementary School
Carl Cozier Elementary School
Columbia Elementary School
Cordata Elementary School
Geneva Elementary School
Happy Valley Elementary School
Lowell Elementary School
Northern Heights Elementary School
Parkview Elementary School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Silver Beach Elementary School
Sunnyland Elementary School
Wade King Elementary School
3:00 pm
CS114 Operations/Capital/ Finance DNP District Office Conference Room 114 District Office
DO 212: Literacy Teacher Discussion District Office Conference Room 212 District Office
3:15 pm
Athletic Team Practices Squalicum Facilities Main Turf Field/Track
Squalicum Facilities Turf Soccer Field
Squalicum Gym
Squalicum Tennis Courts
Squalicum Facilities Turf Baseball Field
Squalicum Facilities Turf Fastpitch Field
Squalicum High School
BHS: Sports practices Bellingham Baseball Field
Bellingham Football/Soccer Turf Field
Bellingham Gym
Bellingham Softball Field
Bellingham High School
3:30 pm
BHS: Spring Play Rehearsals Bellingham PAC Bellingham High School
OHS - Basketball Club Options Gym Options High School
Occupational Safety and Accident Prevention Committee Central Kitchen  
Winter Practices and Games Sehome Main Gymnasium
Sehome Auxiliary Gym
Sehome Gym Mat Room
Sehome High School
3:45 pm
Beats p.m. building usage Shuksan Behind the Stage
Shuksan Cafeteria
Shuksan Gym - Old
Shuksan Library
Shuksan Middle School
Cheer Practice Sehome Commons Sehome High School
DO BR: Parent meeting - DNP District Office Board Room District Office
Environmental Club - room 207 Shuksan Classroom Shuksan Middle School
Maker Space - 101/102 Shuksan Classroom Shuksan Middle School
4:00 pm
United Wrestling Shuksan Gym - Old Shuksan Middle School
4:30 pm  
4:45 pm
SqHS Mini Cheer Camp Squalicum Commons Squalicum High School
5:00 pm
dinner program Shuksan Cafeteria Shuksan Middle School
5:30 pm
BHS: Debate practice Bellingham 3rd Floor Lounge Bellingham High School
SHS - Whatcom Rangers Soccer Sehome Soccer Field WFC Rangers
SHS - Whatcom Rangers Soccer Sehome Football Turf Field/Track WFC Rangers
6:00 pm
FMS - BPC - Fairhaven East Fairhaven Gymnasium: East Bellingham Pickleball Club
FMS - BPC - Fairhaven West Fairhaven Gymnasium: West Bellingham Pickleball Club
Parent Wellness Group Squalicum Library Squalicum High School
SMS - Apex NW Volleyball Practice Shuksan Gym - New Apex NW
WMS - COB Wednesday Volleyball League Whatcom Gym 1 City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
WMS - Unified Futsal Whatcom Gym 3 Unified Futsal
6:15 pm
COR - COB Volleyball League Cordata Gym City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
Entrenamiento de Padres Birchwood Cafeteria
Birchwood Library
Birchwood Elementary School
PV - COB Wednesday Volleyball League Parkview Gym City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation
6:30 pm
ALD - Apex NW Volleyball Practice Alderwood Gym Apex NW
BHS - Girls Basketball Practice Options Gym Options High School
KMS - Bellingham Thunder Basketball Blue Kulshan Gym North Bellingham Thunder AAU
LO - Whatcom Lakers Basketball Practice Lowell Gym Whatcom Lakers Basketball
OHS - Thunder Blue Basketball Practice Options Gym Bellingham Thunder AAU
7:00 pm
BORCH Solo & Ensemble Concert Squalicum Forum
Squalicum Orchestra/Band Room
Squalicum Choir Room
Squalicum High School
KMS - Bellingham Squall Basketball Practice Kulshan Gym South Bellingham Squall Bball Club
ROOS: 5th Grade Strings Recital Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School
SMS - Apex NW Volleyball Practice Shuksan Gym - Old Apex NW
Sehome Winter Band Concert Sehome Theater Sehome High School
7:30 pm
11:30 pm